
Adolfo Ramos Flags ― Napoleonic Portugal

NOTE: The Adolfo Ramos Flags, which are manufactured in Spain, are unique in that the colors of the flags are very vibrant, morso than the GMB and Elite Flags. They are also offered in a different format than the GMB and Elite flags. For all the countries that have a Kings Color and a Regimental or Colonels Color, you can buy whichever flag that you need and not have to purchase both as both are offered separately. They come in a flat paper format or a completely finished flag attached to a painted pole with the correct flag finial We are stocking the 30MM size of the Adolfo Ramos Flags because their 25MM flags are a little smaller in size than the GMB and Elite flags and the 30MM size flags are more compatible in size with the Elite and GMB flags.

30MM plain paper flags - $3.50 - [?] in stock
30MM completely finished flag - $12.25 - [?] in stock

Special Order
15MM plain paper flags - $1.50
25MM plain paper flags - $5.00
25MM completely finished flag - $11.80

Item Description
NAPPOR-1A 9th Viaño Regiment (King's Colors) [2]
NAPPOR-1B 9th Viaño Regiment (Regiment Colors) [2]
NAPPOR-2A 11th Penamacor Regiment (King's Colors) [2]
NAPPOR-2B 11th Penamacor Regiment (Regiment Colors) [2]
NAPPOR-3A 10th Lisbon Regiment (King's Colors) [2][1]
NAPPOR-3B 10th Lisbon Regiment (Regiment Colors) [2][1]
NAPPOR-4A 23rd Almeida Regiment (King's Colors) [2]
NAPPOR-4B 23rd Almeida Regiment (Regiment Colors) [2]

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